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Club for all terrarium owners and nature lovers. We will publish on this site your pictures, professional articles , breeding experience, videos, and so on. Send your contributions to the address of the portal editors.

We have changed the calendar for certain breeding events etc. a bit.

In a new version of event calendars, breeder directory, stock exchanges and exhibitions as well as other events., Such as the opening of specialist markets for breeders, farmers, anniversaries, lectures or even, for example. an “open house” to present his breeding or the young, which can be very beneficial for the sale. The design is designed so that it can also be published on Google Maps. Fantasies have free rein. The calendar is international. For the draft of the introductory breeding events in the text version no registration is necessary and also the entrance
is free. For the extended version for commercial, a symbolic fee and booking will be charged. The version “AKTIVE” offers active links on your website or via e-mail addresses, the possibility to upload pictures and posters for great action photos, for example of past events. But you can also set a real Video right away (
On the extended version there are demonstration options, under ,, (to find events near Brno),.
This calendar is a good source of information for everything important in your areas.
Try it out and provide us with your information and we will publish it in your sense in our International Calendar.


We offer a download button. You can place the button on your website and, together with the attached link, you can view an event calendar.



Share a calendar for other breeders and insert new events

Robert Schlesinger, admin

Event Calendar – Conditions


The event calendar will not only publish vivariums, stock exchanges and exhibitions, but also lectures, a new shop, work shops, seminars, important anniversaries and breeders alike will be Publisher. It will also be possible to put actions with other breeding knowledge such as aquaristics, exotic birds, pets in general on the calendar.

The basic version is free, without registration. The name of the event, the day and venue, the opening hours and other information that the participant will enter will be published. In addition, each event will have its own card showing the venue. (indicate the exact address of the venue)
The version for Commercial is after logging on
In addition, the publication offers pictures, posters, events, photos of past events, etc .. They will then be part of the active links (links) that lead to the websites and e-mail of its organizer or the depositors. Register and then log in, then “ACTIVE” will be selected before inserting the text. Like the basic version of the standard and attachments (pictures), the text part will be introduced in the same way. If you want to become a user, send all information to the administration Attachments. Mail total size max e-mail. 10 MB or max. 9-10 pictures in jpg format. The price for this calendar version is 6 credits (available in the My Account section). Once the listing is published, credits will be deducted from your account.
This fee is a one-time fee and your promotion will be published until the expiration date. Without confirming the option “ACTIVE” above the form of the text part, the action is released as Basic. If the participant inserts multiple events at different dates in the same location, only the current action is available. Next, after this action and removing the original.

You can access the calendar via this link (link)
You can also share the calendar, e.g. on their website etc. It is possible to use our button and add a link.

The content of the calendar (the card with marked points) is the same in all language versions.

Of course, we will take care of the accuracy of the dates of the published events. We check every action.


Robert Schlesinger, admin


Nature does not adhere to breeding plans and schedules, it is always different and unique

The normal breeding process at a breed is listed in various phases and timings. It is also so that it exactly runs on most snakes + – a few days. Nervous is one, if this predetermined times are exceeded by the animal. I myself had an experience in my breed entirely up to date with my Black Pastel females. Everything went quite well, even with the pairing, then came ovulation. After the normal period came molting. I began to count, because of egg laying. It was also nice and round and came as the time of ovulation, they do not put, but went back to the molting. So this was not the normal running and I was nervous. From the day of ovulation until Dato there were 70 days. I contacted Dr. Cermakova, from tirärztlichen University in Brno and made an appointment for inspection. It would have also to be an egg binding or other problem. It has been examined and ultrasound, it was all fine. The eggs need a little time to mature. On Monday 77 days after ovulation, I found my females to lay their eggs lying. It was a large nest with 11 eggs, which were unfortunately stuck already firmly together. I had to convert the whole nest together in the incubator. I am now looking for experience of other breeders. So I can compare, or find out why this was so.

Robert Schlesinger, admin



My Worst Snake Bite Ever!
